Cricket Academy Name
Your contact number
In what city is your cricket academy located?
What are the academy timings ? Please enter the timings for various batches / slots *
For what age group is your academy best suited for ?
Under 16 Years (School Kids)
16 Years - 23 Years
All Age Groups
Is your academy affiliated with the official cricket association? Example MCA, DDCA, KCA,GCA etc, If yes, please mention the association name & club name
How many students does your academy currently have across all batches?
Does your academy have multiple branches / centers in the same city? If yes, please mention the city name & localities.
Who is the head cricket coach of the academy
How many coaches in total does your academy have?
Are the coaches qualified, if yes, please share their qualification details. You can also share their experiences, achievements etc
Please mention the fee structure of the academy including registration fees, monthly, quarterly or yearly. Please be as detailed as possible.
Do you offer one-on-one personal coaching, if yes please mention the fees as per session.
How many Nets does the academy have
What sort of nets are these? example how many are natural turf, astro turf, cement, mat wickets, indoor etc
Does your academy have Indoor Nets?
Is Bowling Machine available at your academy? *
What is the language of instructions by coaches to students
Name some of the past or current academy players who are known
Do you offer scholarships to needy or financially poor students?
How many needy cricketers are currently sponsored or supported by your cricket academy?
Can girl cricketers enroll in the academy?
Do you provide players a cricket kit ?
Please upload few pictures or videos of the academy